![Medical marijuana leaf – Oklahoma Consults](http://marijuanadoctoroklahoma.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/inner_banner_img.png)
How do I set up an appointment with a registered Medical Marijuana physician in Oklahoma?Connect with us today by calling at 405-416-2788 or emailing at contact@marijuanadoctoroklahoma.com and have our accommodating staff guide you through the entire process and schedule an appointment with our registered Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Physician.
Is there something I need to have prior to my appointment?We only require a photo ID to complete your visit.
Can I use my insurance to cover the cost of the appointment?Our office is not allowed to accept any form of insurance for the consultation. All costs are to be considered “out of pocket” and must be paid in full before your appointment.
How much does getting a Medical Marijuana Certification cost?The total cost for a visit with us is $125. This includes the consultation, a telemedicine visit with a registered physician, and 2 year certification within the medical marijuana program. The state of Oklahoma charges an additional $100 fee to process your application and print a hard copy of your medical marijuana card, however this fee is reduced to $20 if you’re on Medicaid, Medicare or Sooner Care.
What are the conditions which qualify me to receive my Medical Marijuana Certification Card?The conditions are the physician’s choice. There are no pre-set conditions for receiving an MMC card in the state of Oklahoma.
How can I register to be patient or a caregiver?
Applying as a patient or caregiver requires access to the internet as all applications are completed online. Along with that, it requires a valid email, a clear full-face photograph, your photo id and proof of residency, and a physician’s recommendation form filled within 30 days of submitting the application. Both debit and credit card payments are accepted, with all transactions being charged a processing fee, which is non-refundable. To register, choose the category you fit in and follow the relevant link:
Adult Patient
Minor Patient
Temporary Patient
http://omma.ok.gov/temporary-adult-patient-application-information1Once you’re done, you can start and complete your certification with help from one of our physicians.
What is a temporary patient?A temporary patient is an individual who has an out of state medical marijuana license. Your temporary card will only be valid for 30 days, but it can be renewed. To apply as a temporary patient, you are required to have a valid email address, a photo id, a full-face clear photograph, and an MMJ certification card.
How long does it take the Oklahoma State to process an application?If the application is complete and meets all requirements, a letter accepting or denying the application will be mailed to the applicant within 14 days of submission. If the application is incomplete, an email will be sent to the address listed on the application with the correction instructions. Once corrected, an answer will be mailed within 14 calendar days.
You can contact us at 405-416-2788 or email contact@oklahomammjconsults.com.