A Newcomer’s Guide to Medical Marijuana

The legalization movement has brought medical marijuana to Oklahoma! While some applicants and card holders have experience, there are still a number who will be trying cannabis for the first time. The amount of information on medicine types, ingestion methods, and finding what fits your tolerance can be overwhelming in the beginning; hopefully, this information will help provide some insight and bring confidence to the new cardholder in beginning their medical journey.

Cannabis, or marijuana, is a flowering herb that is divided into three subspecies: Indica, Sativa, and Ruderalis. Ruderalis plants are rarely talked about due to being much smaller and producing lesser amounts than the other subspecies, and what they do make isn’t very potent. For the medical industry, growers tend to focus on Indica and Sativa strains. There are so many different strain varietals and each one produces its own unique effect, maximizing the benefit a medical marijuana user can extract for their specific medical condition(s). Therefore, choosing the right strain for your personal needs is so important. Don’t be afraid to sample new strains to find the right fit for yourself. The biggest starting point is finding which subspecies most benefits your condition(s) and exploring from there.
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