Weed Measurements: A Complete Guide: Gram, Eighth, Quarter

After the long imposed ban on cannabis was recently lifted, people are flocking to dispensaries to purchase it the legal way.

The measurements of weed in these certified dispensaries are quite similar to the ones assigned by illegal drug dealers. However, new users, who have had their doubts about Marijuana just recently, removed, will need a guide to the terminologies and most common weed measurements. They don’t want to stroll into a marijuana store, ask the bartender for 1 plate of weed, and make a fool out of themselves.

Also, Marijuana, if ingested or smoked in excessive amounts, can lead to severe anxiety attacks and other complications. This is one of the main reasons why it’s extremely important to know its dosage or amount.

Units Used for Weed Measurements

The standard unit to measure very small quantities of weed is grams. For larger quantities, an ounce is used. I know, both units belong to two totally different metric systems and might confuse you at first, but as the article progresses, you will get a better hang of things.

How Much is a The Gram / “dime bag”?

A dime bag is the lowest quantity available at a dispensary. It is equivalent to 0.5 grams.

Most dispensaries don’t normally sell cannabis in such insignificant amounts and will sell 1 gram full joints instead. If you’re still a novice in the world of cannabis, this is where you should start. A gram will last you at last 2 to 3 smoke seshes. We would strongly advise against going hard on your first hit. Only when your body develops a respectable tolerance for microdoses, should you opt for larger amounts.

A dime bag will cost you close to nothing. Depending upon the strain of cannabis, its price may vary between 10 and 20$. Some dispensaries also offer you a one gram pre-roll completely free of cost, provided you buy something along with it.

How much is an Eighth of Weed?

1/8th of an ounce or 3.5 grams of weed is what you call on the streets as simply “an eighth”.  This quantity will let you get used to a particular strain of cannabis and will last you at least 2-3 weeks, considering you’re not wasting it away day and night. If you’re a heavy user, you may have to make further arrangements after just one week.

How much is a Quarter of Weed?

Okay, now we’re stepping into the bigger leagues. 1/4th of an ounce is equivalent to 7 grams of weed. It’s twice the price and amount of an eighth. From this amount onwards, weed measurements will continue to increase twofold.

Users who have been using a particular strain for a while, and want to stick with it usually buy a quarter. Light users can live on a quarter for at least a month.

How Much Is a Half Ounce of Weed?

This weed measurement is blatant in itself. It is double the amount of a quarter, 14 grams to be precise.

This amount is a great choice for moderate users who want to stick to a particular strain for more than just a month. Also, heavy users, who have a knack for rolling a joint several times a day, may find this amount agreeable.

Again, if you’re an amateur user, steer clear from such significant amounts to prevent any sort of untoward glitches.

How Much Is an Ounce of Weed?

Most dispensaries don’t fare any farther than an ounce of weed. This is the regulated legal limit for buying cannabis in a single go. However, this limit may vary from state to state. As far as the state of Oklahoma goes, this is it.

Only seasoned cannabis users buy an ounce and it does cost them quite a lot. Sometimes, the highest grade ounce of cannabis may have a staggering price tag of 500$.

Before purchasing such a staggering quantity, think what you’re going to use it for.  Are you going to share it with your friends? Do you need it to treat a distressing medical condition, such as asthma? Storing it for long will only make it stale. So make sure you’re intentions are clear and you don’t end up splurging your hard-earned money.



Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Attacks: Symptoms, Treatment, and Identification

Cannabis has been blessed with an outpouring of support from the scientific community after its legalization. Despite its established status of a potent alternative medicine for depression and anxiety, it does have its side effects.  Before blindly believing in the popular narrative, and mindlessly rolling a joint, it is your duty to get well-acquainted with these side-effects, to prepare yourself for any unexpected breakdowns.

While most marijuana users might feel alleviation in their anxiety-related symptoms, others might experience the exact opposite. Especially, fledgling users, who are relatively new to the drug, might find themselves slipping into episodes of anxiety instead of delightful highs.

Experienced cannabis users know that every marijuana strain has its own unique properties. Some are specifically harvested to stave off medicinal symptoms, especially the ones with high CBD content and low THC. Such strains are great at keeping bouts of anxiety, hysteria and general stress at bay.  However, sometimes, even a seasoned user can’t evade the dangers this miracle plant poses.

This is why this article will explore the many remedies, tips and strategies to prevent ― and manage a cannabis-induced anxiety attack at the very instant it is unraveling.

But before that, let’s get some things straight.

There’s a way to recognize a cannabis-induced anxiety attack

Anxiety is a looming fear of something bad. The heart unsaddles, lips pucker, body exudes sweat and other straining symptoms manifest themselves. Anxiety is anxiety. So how can you distinguish general anxiety from the characteristic anxiety sprung up by cannabis?

Well, if you feel worse after a smoke session, that’s one blatant sign.

Some users feel as if the cops are after them like they are going to be behind bars in a couple of hours. If you have this anxious feeling, this is another indication.

This is why you have to be extremely self-aware of your surroundings, yourself, and most importantly, your reality. Sometimes, becoming self-aware also serves to heighten your anxiety and exacerbate your condition.

This is why it’s extremely important to immediately turn to the remedies we’re going to list below.

How to Prevent and Manage Cannabis Induced Anxiety Attacks

Try Foods Rich in Terpenes

Terpenes, when used in conjunction with cannabis, can do wonders. Myrcene, Pinene and other similar terpenes have all proven potent anxiety-relieving remedies, because of their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to increase blood flow to the central nervous system.

From the sound of it, terpenes seem like a rarefied, expensive treasure. But, that’s not even remotely true. They are liberally present in black pepper, turmeric, green tea, and other common household foods and beverages.

So, next time, you have a raging anxiety attack, try a pinch of black pepper, and see if it helps.

Opt for a strain High in CBD Content

THC is the real culprit. But every culprit can be restrained and cuffed and CBD is exactly the man for the job. It counteracts the many negative effects of THC and ensures your high is pleasing and not laden with anxiety.

So, go to your nearest medical marijuana dispensary, and this time, buy a marijuana strain, high in CBD content, and see if it makes a difference. You will even find strains that are 99.99% pure CBD.

Consider Cannabis Overconsumption Products

Cannabis Overconsumption products have made a splash in the market. They are available in the form of tonics and drinks and provide instant relief from cannabis-associated anxiety.

These products are a concoction of substances sourced from plants and are highly effective at relaxing your nerves and stripping way the insanity from your brain.

Stick to a Microdoses

One Neyworktimes Journalist made the reckless mistake of eating an entire cannabis chocolate bar in one go, and the result, a deeply unsettling panic attack. Her experience went viral, and she was widely ridiculed for her recklessness.

Cannabis is a biphasic substance. To put it into simple terms, a microdose of cannabis has an entirely different effect as compared to a high dose. Half a chocolate bar might give you an incredibly pleasing high, while a full may fraught your senses.

Experts recommend a waiting time of at least ten minutes between smoke seshes, and 2 hours between edible consumption. So, my advice is to go slow. Stick to small doses.

Divert your Attention

You can feel completely out-of-sorts in a crowded work or public place if you’re still doozy with weed. In such tough surroundings, if you feel overstrained, just notice things around you to divert your attention. This might seem like a far-fetched solution, but trust me, it does help. A distracting beauty, mischievous child, grumpy old man, or even a big neon sign can fool your mind into thinking, all’s good.

Music and TV

No one is a stranger to the calming effects of music. Whether it’s Bach, Beethoven or AC DC, all have their unique way of motivating, stirring, and influencing us.

Don’t listen to people who say that rock music will make your senses overwrought. Listen to what your heart says. Whether its death metal you like or classic rock just put on your earphones and let your beloved rock stars provide you relief from the clutches of anxiousness. And if music doesn’t help, Netflix it up. Watch TV shows the get you all excited, edge-of-the-seat thrillers and humorous rom-coms.

In the end, it all boils down to distracting your mind, titillating it with something it’s smitten for.

The Verdict

Most people get anxiety attacks because they ingest or smoke strains of Marijuana with excessive THC content. THC is the main psychoactive substance in cannabis and breaks down into a metabolite called 11-Hydroxy-THC, which has a longer half-life and lingers in the liver for extended periods. Sometimes, it’s advisable to keep a journal to track your cannabis consumption.

If you still have any queries or questions about cannabis-induced anxiety attacks, you can get in touch with Oklahoma consults. We can get you a Medical Marijuana Recommendation from a certified physician today. It’s 100% legal and affordable.







Smoking Vs Vaping Medical Marijuana: Which is better?

Legalization of Medical Marijuana has made the tremendous health benefits of this super plant accessible to MMJ card holders. Tinctures, special brownies, cannabis topical creams, are the roar of the town. Despite these slew of options, two methods of cannabis consumption take the lead: smoking and vaping.

The preferred method of our ancestors was smoking. Millennials are breaking these old traditions by opting for their shiny, new electronic devices, instead.

So, how do these two methods fare against each other? Which is safer? More discreet and potent?

In this article, we will pit the two against each other and see who comes out on top.

1.    Safety and Healthiness: Smoking Vs. Vaping

Smoking medical marijuana releases toxic carcinogens that harm your lungs.

Unless you’ve gone completely off-the-grid, you know the injurious effects burning tobacco and other substances have to human health. We’ve all seen the horrifying images of soot-like, blackened lungs on our social media timelines.

Vaping isn’t actually a combustion process, unlike smoking. It gradually heats Marijuana, well below the point of combustion. This ensures the production of toxic compounds is kept to a bare minimum.

Combusting marijuana, on the other hand, according to a research releases more than 100 toxic inhalable compounds.

Moreover, some studies suggest that 95% less smoke is in inhaled through vaping than smoking. And to make things even better, vaping also releases a greater amount of anti-inflammatory terpenoids, which have a host of health benefits.

That being said, smoke of any kind, from any source, is bad for the lungs. Marijuana or tobacco isn’t the culprit. Smoke, in itself is, and can cause irritation and acute respiratory systems.

Vape Temperature is also a factor

Temperature is a significant factor when it comes to comparing the safety of vaping and smoking.

A research carried out in 2009, analyzed the cannabinoid to by by-product ratio at 392°F, 338°F, and 446°F.

The study inferred that the byproducts emitted at these temperatures were considerably lesser than those released during smoking.

Most vape pens and other devices heat cannabis below the point of combustion, somewhere around the 356 to 392°F mark. And many studies have established that toxic compounds increase with the increase in temperature.

These studies have also shed light on the specific temperatures at which certain compounds manifest themselves. For example, Cannabichromene is released at 451°F.

This also puts an end to the debate to the most optimal vape temperature.

If you’re using Marijuana for medicinal purposes, all you have to do is look up the temperature at which your desired compound is released, and set your vape pen accordingly.

2.    Potency

The science votes in favor of vaporizers, when it comes to flavor. However, it all depends on how you calibrate your device.

Set it at a lower temperature, and you get a tenuous and lacking vapor that doesn’t hit you as hard. Set it on the high side, and a degraded high leaves you unfulfilled.

Many users have complained about the one-note, less robust effect that lacks the punch you receive from combusting Marijuana.

So, it’s increasingly important to get comfortable with your vapor. Tinker and experiment with it to get things right. In the end, it’s still worth than exposing your lungs to the far serious dangers of smoking.

3.    Discreetness

While portable vapes still make a significant cloud of smoke, their modern appearance makes them more discreet than a papery joint or a one-hitter in the center of a busy bus stop.

Another reason why vaping is more discreet is because it doesn’t stink up your surroundings. And this is especially helpful if you’re living with a strict dad. A lot of potheads want to keep their marijuana habits a secret, and this is a great way for them to cover their tracks.

Vape pens that work on oil and wax are an even better choice if you can get your hands on them. They are the perfect stealth machines for staying under the radar.

4.    Cost Comparison

In the long-term, vape pens are a more sound investment. Why? Because they require a small dosage of marijuana to get the same high.

A study carried out by California Maps concluded that vaporizers made 46 percent THC bioavailable, as compared to the 25 percent by smoking.

Another study published in the Journal of psychoactive drugs showed that patients regarded vaporizers as the most potent method of Marijuana intake, requiring less amount of Marijuana in teas, edibles etc.

5.    Convenience and Appearance

Portable vape pens are USB rechargeable, which greatly increases their ease of convenience. This removes the need to beg for lighters from every random passerby. And with the introduction of power banks, you can charge these devices on-the-go.

However, there are some complications in their use as well. The flower vaporizer, for instance, takes time assembling and discharging the plant material, tasks that are completed in a manner of puffs in other devices.

In the end, it all depends on your preferred device and your mode of usage.

Casually burning a joint also makes you look “cooler”. It is a fashion statement. What could exalt that coolness to a whole new level is a great-looking vape pen. You have a host of options to choose from, color, shape the possibilities are endless.

The Verdict

Vaping wins all hands down. However, despite the obvious supremacy of vaping the research on this consumption method is still scarce.

More recent studies have found some concering problems. For example, a research published in the proceedings of the national Academy of Science (PNAS), indicated that vaping can cause DNA damage.

So, before you recklessly hop on the vaping bandwagon, I suggest you let more scientific research unveil the bigger, more conclusive picture. And then make your decision.

Antioxidant Benefits of Marijuana: The Fountain of Youth

Antioxidants are often touted as the elixir of life.

Intake a diet jam-packed with antioxidants on a consistent basis, and have your longevity secured. That’s what the popular opinion is. But is there any truth to it? Well, put simply, yes!

It’s an established scientific fact that antioxidants are in fact the secret to a long healthy life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), natural antioxidant rich-sources, such as fruits and vegetables, can help prevent a host of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. WHO also stipulates that synthetic and supplemental oxidants have little to no effect on the overall health of a person.

Cannabis being a natural and prolific source of antioxidants is a great remedy for a variety of diseases. It wards off the attacks of harmful chemicals, called free radicals, on the body, and prevents oxidative stress. Free radicals are the same suckers that contribute to aging, cancer and a slew of other diseases. We’ll talk more about them in detail.

How Antioxidants in Cannabis Combat Free Radicals

Before we delve deep into the antioxidant properties of Marijuana, let’s first get well-acquainted with its enemies ― free radicals and oxidative stress.

What are Free Radicals?

Free radicals have a great affinity for electrons. They roam the entire body to deprive proteins of their electrons. But in doing so, they cause widespread damage of DNA other cellular structures.

How Do Free Radicals Damage the Body?

Free radicals are, in actuality, unstable atoms. In a desperate plea for stability, they steal electrons from other stable atoms in the body.

According to the Free Radical Theory, which first appeared on the scene, in 1956, free radicals are responsible for disintegrating cells.

As your body ages, it becomes less and less capable of fighting these voracious eaters, which leads to increased damage to the cells, and a long list of degenerative diseases and accelerated aging as a result. Alzheimer, dementia, and even cataracts can all manifest themselves with the gradual buildup of free radicals in the body.

What is Oxidative Stress?

A manageable oxidative stress on the body isn’t bad. When under control, it works as a subservient maid and cleans damaged proteins and other debris from the body to make room for newer cells.

However, when left uncontrolled, it makes the body claustrophobic with an excess of oxygen, causing many cells to explode, or “commit suicide”.  This makes certain parts of our body dysfunctional and contributes to age-related medical conditions, similar to the ones caused by free radicals.

So how do Antioxidants protect us from Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress?

If free radicals are evil twins, antioxidants are their sober, obedient other-halves. They are quite charitable, donating electrons to cells, even to the ones that were robbed by the thieving free radicals.

Our body produces its own antioxidants, but they’re not nearly enough to fight the flood of free radicals that enter our body from pollution, pesticides in our food, smoking, radiation and many other harmful sources.

This is where Cannabis swoops in, and fills the antioxidant void in our bodies.

Cannabis as an Antioxidant Powerhouse

Blueberries, cabbage, spinach, and many other vegetables have a respectable antioxidant profile. But Cannabis stands on a league of its own, in terms of these little packets of life.

Cannabis, Owing to its wealth of antioxidants, may prove pivotal in curbing the effects or even preventing neurogenerative diseases that plague the elderly.

Antioxidants in Marijuana that protect the Nervous System

A rapid decline in neural function is not unheard of in the elderly. It causes many irrevocable neurogenerative conditions, Alzheimer and Parkinsonia, to name a few. Some studies suggest that oxidative damage caused by free radicals may be a major factor behind these deteriorating mental conditions.

Antioxidants found in cannabis have shown an impressive capacity to keep age-related toxicity at bay. Moreover, Cannabinoid CBD and THC have also proven quite effective in reducing neural inflammation and restoring brain function to its formal glory.

Reversing the Clock on Skin with Cannabis Topical Cream

Cannabis can be ingested in the form of vapors, pills, or oil. All of these methods provide antioxidant benefits to your body in their own unique way.

But, there’s one form of marijuana that is extremely great at removing wrinkles, age spots and acne from your skin. And that’s Cannabis topical cream.

Free radicals don’t discriminate between internal body cells and skin cells. They lay waste to anyone that crosses paths with them. And in today’s age, where free radicals from UV rays can easily come into contact with our skin, it’s increasingly important to use an effective anti-aging serum like a cannabis topical cream.

Oklahoma Consults: Obtain Your Medical Marijuana License today

With Oklahoma consults, you can reap all the antioxidant benefits of medical Marijuana. New legislation has permitted the use of medical marijuana in the state of Oklahoma. But you will have to get a medical Marijuana license before getting your hands on this precious plant. We can make the entire application process a breeze for you. All you have to do is get in touch with us today!





Oklahoma Consultants: Expectations of the Medical Marijuana Program

The State of Oklahoma became the 30th state in the U.S. to legalize marijuana for medical purposes, after the people voted for the implementation of SQ 788 in June 2018.

The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana authority was formed, under the Oklahoma State Department of Health, to oversee, regulate, administer and license the medical marijuana program for the State of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma medical marijuana community is a new, but thriving one, and the OMMA exists to ensure the safe and legal dissemination and usage of marijuana by, and for, the people of Oklahoma.

The medical marijuana program started accepting applications for licenses as early as August 2018, and various businesses have begun production and selling of marijuana seedlings as of September 2018. The program is soon expected to turn into a self-sufficient, profitable industry, where the producers, operators, vendors, and dispensaries are working in unison to make the product available in the markets. The plants and seedlings are already available for sale, to be purchased either for medical use.
Continue reading “Oklahoma Consultants: Expectations of the Medical Marijuana Program”

OMMA Publishes Medical Marijuana Growers’ Addresses without Warning, Raising Security Concerns throughout the Industry


The addresses of all business affiliated with medical marijuana i.e. the growth, processing and selling businesses, were published on OMMA’s official website on Oct 31st, without prior notification or warning.

The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority didn’t alert license holders before making the address list public and, a couple of days later. As a result, a property planned for marijuana plantation was robbed and vandalized.

The property was owned by a couple, who was headed out to clean it up and get it ready for plantation on the morning of Nov 3. Wishing to remain unnamed due to the threat of similar crimes in the future, the couple explained how they were on their way to install the state-required security measures when they found their farm completely wrecked. Not only had the farm been broken into, every single nook and cranny, from the cabinets to the electric junction box, was searched.

While they have filed a report with the Norman Police Department, they are now reluctant to move into the property and operate the marijuana farm. Dreading becoming a casualty again in a similar crime, the couple wants to sell the property.

OMMA communications manager Melissa Miller said that the decision to make license holders’ information public wasn’t always the authority’s plan, however, the involved parties were aware that their information could be made public at any time, and agreed to it before they received their license.

According to Miller, the license holders were alerted soon after the addresses were made public on OMMA’s social media accounts. She said that they were swamped with requests to share the grower’s addresses, and since they came under the title of the public record, she was bound to comply.

“We thought it would be easier to make the list public”, said Miller.

Miller said that the authority was working on devising a mechanism which would give room to license holders to have the option of choosing between making their address public or ceding their license and removing their address from the list. The option to transfer licenses, however, does not exist.

While they understand the security concerns, Miller says that the OMMA requires license holders to have ample security measures as a prerequisite for getting the license.

“…At the same time, we remind them they are required to have security measures by law. Security measures should be there, no matter what.”, said Miller.

Related businesses have shown concern over OMMA’s decision to publicize information about growing locations, saying that the authority might unknowingly be putting growers’ in danger.

Chip Paul, chairman of Oklahomans for Health, the organization behind getting medical marijuana legalized in Oklahoma reflects similar sentiments, saying that this step will cause security concerns for business owners, physicians, and patients.

“It doesn’t seem like the department of health is overly concerned about cannabis patients or business owners. We need better protections in place,” said Paul.

While no other Norman marijuana farm locations have reported any criminal activity, local growers and businesses remain convinced that this action is a part of an elaborate plan by external actors to jeopardize the legalization of medical marijuana in Oklahoma, so that production is hugely discouraged, if not banned altogether.

ForwardGro’s Medical Marijuana products put on a “hold”, no explanation given as MMCC maintains an information blackout


State regulators in Maryland have sprung into action, taking particular marijuana growing business’s products off the shelves, leading to confusion and rising levels of frustration amongst all stakeholders – patients, dispensaries and similar business operators.

Under the label of an “administrative hold”, the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission has blocked all marijuana-based products affiliated with the medical marijuana producing business, ForwardGro, from the market.

After medical marijuana was legalized in Maryland in 2013, ForwardGro became one of the biggest names in the industry. Running a large greenhouse in Lothian, in Anne Arundel County, ForwardGro was the first organization in Maryland to get a license to legally grow and sell marijuana (for medical purposes only).

As a “precautionary measure”, the notification to put ForwardGro products on hold was sent to 69 dispensaries in Maryland, with a promise to “follow up with further instructions” in the near future. However, it has now been more than three weeks since the involved stakeholders have heard from the agency, leaving them confused about the nature of the possible dangers that they were supposedly being saved from.

In the first of its kind, this show of control by the commission might be an accurate prognosis of how it would operate in the future. Soon, if the authority continues to show its regulatory brawn through similar actions, ForwardGro might not be the only company to have its products quarantined.

These regulations were put as a result of ex ForwardGro employees coming forward with allegations of illicit use of pesticides on the marijuana crops, by the company. However, all allegations were refuted by ForwardGro as “an attack on our business”.

Amongst ForwardGro’s many investors are influential people with political clout i.e. political donors and former government officials. Gary Mangum, the chief executive of flower wholesaler Bell Nursery and at the top in the list of donors to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), it owns part of the marijuana-producing business.

According to the commission’s spokesperson Jennifer White, the commission “has reasonable suspicion of an operational failure or of conditions that create a likelihood of diversion, contamination, or a risk to the public health.”, in which case, the state allows them to give the regulatory measures. She refused to comment on the situation further. She ended the questioning with a brief statement, communicating through email, which stated that “The Commission does not comment on active investigations, and this investigation is well underway”.

While the commission’s chairman Brian Lopez continues to turn a blind eye to inquiries from the patients, pharmacies, media and everyone else involved, the Executive Director Joy Strand says that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. According to Strand, the commission had ordered similar holds for other products before. However, she refused to give details about the proceedings of the cases and how they ended. Like White, Strand also said that the MMCC did not comment on ongoing investigations.

MMCC’s unusual silence has not only left industry stakeholders puzzled, but has also sent a wave of fear and uncertainty for what the future means for them.

“I don’t think it’s in the interest of patients or the industry not to be given specifics when a recall or a hold is issued,” said Mackie Barch, chair of Maryland Wholesale Medical Cannabis Trade Association, of which ForwardGro is a member. Barch appears perplexed by the lack of explanation and clarity being provided by the state commission. According to him, it is an uncertain time for both the patients and the businesses involved.

“From a patient perspective, it’s a little bit scary,” Barch said. “From a company perspective, if you have this happen, it’s so detrimental to your business. It kills you reputation-wise, but secondarily to that, it impacts your overall financial performance.”

According to Barch, it is not just ForwardGro who is suffering from the hold on their products. Dispensaries which stock ForwardGro products are also being affected greatly.

“People have payrolls to meet, bills to pay, and when there’s this overhang of this unknown thing from the state, it cripples your business,” he said. “I don’t think it’s fair to ForwardGro or the other companies that depend on ForwardGro’s products.”

Other businesses, some which aren’t directly linked to the company, are also coming out in solidarity with ForwardGro. Wendy Bronfein, director of marketing at Curio Wellness, finds the information vacuum being created by MMCC to be very disconcerting and counterproductive.

“Any and all players should be able to understand when the powers that be make a call on a company and product, and in this case calling a hold,” Bronfein said. “The lack of transparency is not productive.”

ForwardGro officials have refused to deny or accept the speculations that this sudden quarantine by the commission is due to the accusations of illegal pesticide use (which they previously denied as false propaganda against their business).

According to Vicki Bendure, ForwardGro’s spokesperson, all of their products have passed pesticide testing by state-approved labs.

“We are cooperating with the Commission and working to learn more about the basis of the hold and to resolve this matter,” Bendure said in an email, “ForwardGro remains committed to providing patients in Maryland with quality medical cannabis.”

This summer, three former ForwardGro employees, who claim to have taken the matter to company executives before resigning, gave sworn statements to the state legislator that ForwardGro began using pesticides when initial crops showed signs of white powdery mold and other problems. According to them, the company was “desperate and willing to try anything”.

However, as of last spring, the General Assembly passed a legislation making many pesticides legal for use by medical marijuana growers. So even if the allegations are proven to be true, ForwardGro’s actions might still fall under the legal umbrella.

Huge step forward for Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana community: Recommendations for Testing Standards gain lawmakers’ approval

Proposing an 11-page document, lawmakers have concordantly come to agree on a set of recommendations for medical marijuana testing standards in Oklahoma.

According to Senator Greg McCortney, R-Ada, who co-chaired the group, the proposal serves to safeguard the health and rights of patients, by making sure that the medical marijuana products being sold are safe and tested.

“We’re going to test it to make sure it doesn’t have poisons, pesticides and also test the potency of it,” Sen. McCortney said.

According to McCortney, just like with any other medicines, users need to be sure that the product provides the medicinal properties that they are seeking. The recommendations require the products to be fully labeled, clearly stating all the extracts and substances present inside the product so that the customers know the precise details of what they are buying. The products also need to be tested for THC and CBD concentration, water activity, and moisture content, heavy metals, residual pesticides etc. amongst any other external contaminations, and then tagged accordingly.

The marijuana products are set to be tested starting mid-May 2019, however, according to Senator McCortney, they might be available in the market prior to that. This means that there is a probability that the first batch of products may not be tested.

McCortney believes that since Oklahoma State is still new to legal use of marijuana, the inception of testing labs is of extreme importance. Without these labs, the marijuana that is being used could be heavily contaminated and harmful.

He said, “Before these lab tests are put in place, any marijuana you buy in the state of Oklahoma is very much ‘use at your own risk’.

The people of Oklahoma voted to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes in June, and marijuana production has seen a hike, with both marijuana-producing businesses and potential patients rushing to get medicinal marijuana licenses from the authorities. Chip Paul (Oklahomans For Health), the author of State Question 788 which legalized medical marijuana seemed to be satisfied with the meeting. He said that he was pleased by the progress that had been made in it.

As stated by Paul, consumer safety is the utmost priority for everyone involved in the process.

“As much as people perhaps think we want this wide open, we really don’t. We want to protect consumer safety. This is a medical marijuana program. We’re uber concerned with everyone’s safety,” Paul said. “The great thing is these guys (lawmakers) all want to do that right. We may not agree on everything as to what right is, and they may not agree to what right is, but they all want to do it right and they all want to respect our will and really how we voted on this issue.”

According to Paul, while the seeds are currently being brought in from outside (or bought from the internet), many have been sown in Oklahoma’s grounds for marijuana seedlings to grow, and soon the state will become self-sufficient in producing the required amount of marijuana plants, without needing any outside help.

Despite many people jumping up to join the thriving marijuana business, Renee Harper, owner of the CBD specialty store Green Hope Wellness, says she is still a little dubious about opening a separate medical marijuana dispensary. However, she also believes that the meeting and the recommendations are a definite step in the right direction.

“I haven’t been anxious to go forth with that because it’s been so back and forth the entire time,” Harper said. “It’s just a protection for people. If you’re going to consume something, you’d want it to be tested.”

Eventually, the ultimate decision to approve the recommendations and set things into motion rests with the Board of Health at the Oklahoma State Department. According to the department’s spokesperson, the next meeting is set to be held in December, however, the schedule can be moved up under special circumstances, in case of an unanticipated final decision to take up the recommendations.