Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Attacks: Symptoms, Treatment, and Identification

Cannabis has been blessed with an outpouring of support from the scientific community after its legalization. Despite its established status of a potent alternative medicine for depression and anxiety, it does have its side effects.  Before blindly believing in the popular narrative, and mindlessly rolling a joint, it is your duty to get well-acquainted with these side-effects, to prepare yourself for any unexpected breakdowns.

While most marijuana users might feel alleviation in their anxiety-related symptoms, others might experience the exact opposite. Especially, fledgling users, who are relatively new to the drug, might find themselves slipping into episodes of anxiety instead of delightful highs.

Experienced cannabis users know that every marijuana strain has its own unique properties. Some are specifically harvested to stave off medicinal symptoms, especially the ones with high CBD content and low THC. Such strains are great at keeping bouts of anxiety, hysteria and general stress at bay.  However, sometimes, even a seasoned user can’t evade the dangers this miracle plant poses.

This is why this article will explore the many remedies, tips and strategies to prevent ― and manage a cannabis-induced anxiety attack at the very instant it is unraveling.

But before that, let’s get some things straight.

There’s a way to recognize a cannabis-induced anxiety attack

Anxiety is a looming fear of something bad. The heart unsaddles, lips pucker, body exudes sweat and other straining symptoms manifest themselves. Anxiety is anxiety. So how can you distinguish general anxiety from the characteristic anxiety sprung up by cannabis?

Well, if you feel worse after a smoke session, that’s one blatant sign.

Some users feel as if the cops are after them like they are going to be behind bars in a couple of hours. If you have this anxious feeling, this is another indication.

This is why you have to be extremely self-aware of your surroundings, yourself, and most importantly, your reality. Sometimes, becoming self-aware also serves to heighten your anxiety and exacerbate your condition.

This is why it’s extremely important to immediately turn to the remedies we’re going to list below.

How to Prevent and Manage Cannabis Induced Anxiety Attacks

Try Foods Rich in Terpenes

Terpenes, when used in conjunction with cannabis, can do wonders. Myrcene, Pinene and other similar terpenes have all proven potent anxiety-relieving remedies, because of their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to increase blood flow to the central nervous system.

From the sound of it, terpenes seem like a rarefied, expensive treasure. But, that’s not even remotely true. They are liberally present in black pepper, turmeric, green tea, and other common household foods and beverages.

So, next time, you have a raging anxiety attack, try a pinch of black pepper, and see if it helps.

Opt for a strain High in CBD Content

THC is the real culprit. But every culprit can be restrained and cuffed and CBD is exactly the man for the job. It counteracts the many negative effects of THC and ensures your high is pleasing and not laden with anxiety.

So, go to your nearest medical marijuana dispensary, and this time, buy a marijuana strain, high in CBD content, and see if it makes a difference. You will even find strains that are 99.99% pure CBD.

Consider Cannabis Overconsumption Products

Cannabis Overconsumption products have made a splash in the market. They are available in the form of tonics and drinks and provide instant relief from cannabis-associated anxiety.

These products are a concoction of substances sourced from plants and are highly effective at relaxing your nerves and stripping way the insanity from your brain.

Stick to a Microdoses

One Neyworktimes Journalist made the reckless mistake of eating an entire cannabis chocolate bar in one go, and the result, a deeply unsettling panic attack. Her experience went viral, and she was widely ridiculed for her recklessness.

Cannabis is a biphasic substance. To put it into simple terms, a microdose of cannabis has an entirely different effect as compared to a high dose. Half a chocolate bar might give you an incredibly pleasing high, while a full may fraught your senses.

Experts recommend a waiting time of at least ten minutes between smoke seshes, and 2 hours between edible consumption. So, my advice is to go slow. Stick to small doses.

Divert your Attention

You can feel completely out-of-sorts in a crowded work or public place if you’re still doozy with weed. In such tough surroundings, if you feel overstrained, just notice things around you to divert your attention. This might seem like a far-fetched solution, but trust me, it does help. A distracting beauty, mischievous child, grumpy old man, or even a big neon sign can fool your mind into thinking, all’s good.

Music and TV

No one is a stranger to the calming effects of music. Whether it’s Bach, Beethoven or AC DC, all have their unique way of motivating, stirring, and influencing us.

Don’t listen to people who say that rock music will make your senses overwrought. Listen to what your heart says. Whether its death metal you like or classic rock just put on your earphones and let your beloved rock stars provide you relief from the clutches of anxiousness. And if music doesn’t help, Netflix it up. Watch TV shows the get you all excited, edge-of-the-seat thrillers and humorous rom-coms.

In the end, it all boils down to distracting your mind, titillating it with something it’s smitten for.

The Verdict

Most people get anxiety attacks because they ingest or smoke strains of Marijuana with excessive THC content. THC is the main psychoactive substance in cannabis and breaks down into a metabolite called 11-Hydroxy-THC, which has a longer half-life and lingers in the liver for extended periods. Sometimes, it’s advisable to keep a journal to track your cannabis consumption.

If you still have any queries or questions about cannabis-induced anxiety attacks, you can get in touch with Oklahoma consults. We can get you a Medical Marijuana Recommendation from a certified physician today. It’s 100% legal and affordable.







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